Why the forEach JavaScript Method Might not Always be the Best Choice

This is a trap I’ve found myself falling into several times.

Although the Array.prototype.forEach() method seems like a good pick when you want to loop over an array of elements in JavaScript, there are several occasions when a simple for loop or another one of the built-in array methods is what you need.

Let’s create a simple example of a bad use case of the forEach method:

let array = [1, 2, 3];
array.forEach(num => num += 1);

forEach accepts a callback function as an argument (num => num += 1), which in turn has one parameter, num. This parameter will be assigned to the value of the element that’s being iterated over on each iteration of forEach. So, given the array [1, 2, 3], the numbers 1, 2, and 3 will be assigned to the parameter num of the callback on each iteration.

Now might be a good time to say that in the case of primitive values (such as numbers) JavaScript is “pass-by-value”. This means that when we’re passing the first element of the array, the number 1 in our example, as an argument to the callback function, what really happens is that a copy of the number 1 is assigned to the variable num. The element at index 0 of the calling array and the value of the variable num inside the callback function are simply equal; they’re not linked in any way.

Inside the callback, we’re reassigning the value of num to the result of num + 1 (that is we increment its value by 1). So, num will now equal 2 (on the first iteration). However, the values of the elements of the calling array are not going to be affected by this reassignment, because of “pass-by-value” behaviour. The calling array will still contain the elements 1, 2, and 3.

This is a trap I’ve found myself falling into several times, and by writing it down, I’m attempting to not only share it but also wrap my head around it for good. An experienced developer would know just by looking at this example above that something is going wrong. This example, the way it is right now, has no useful return value (forEach always returns undefined) and no side effects; in other words, it’s doing nothing at all.

If the goal was to increment every element in the array we could do so by using the Array.prototype.map() method, if we don’t mind having a new array instead of mutating the calling array, or a good old for loop, to mutate the original array, like so:

for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
array[i] += 1;

Long story short, you cannot change the values of an array’s elements using a forEach loop the way you would with map, for example. If that’s your goal, the simplest way is to go for a for loop. Note, however, that you can mutate an array’s elements if they are objects themselves.

Note: There is, however, a less-common workaround to that issue, using the third parameter of forEach which is assigned to the calling array, like so:

array.forEach((_, index, arr) => arr[index] += 1);

Some other cases when a forEach loop is not appropriate are when you intend to exit the looping mechanism after a condition is met or when you want to mutate the calling array while looping through it. In the first case, forEach wouldn’t work at all since there’s no way to exit it, and in the latter, you might get unexpected results if the mutation affects the length property of the calling array.

For example:

let nums = [1, 2, 5, 7, 6];
nums.forEach((num, index) => {
if (num % 2 === 1) {
nums.splice(index, 1);
nums; //returns [ 2, 7, 6 ]

In the example above, we’re attempting to remove every odd number from the nums array using the Array.prototype.splice() destructive method. However, as we can see from the final return value, nums still contains the odd number 7. This happens because while the forEach loop iterates over the array, each element and its corresponding index are passed as arguments to the callback function. When an element is removed, the next element will take up the removed element’s slot and therefore, its index. On the next iteration of forEach the value assigned to index will be incremented as the iteration proceeds with the next element, ignoring the element that was moved back by one slot.

This is better explained in the flowchart below:

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